Even this story couldn't complete

It was one week before bae's birthday , I was very excited about it. I was eargly waiting for her birthday . She used to think that I will forget her birthday , but the thing which she didn't know was that not only me, even most of my friends know,
How excited I was about her birthday.
Since it was long distance relationship and long term relationship, it was the golden chance for me to make her feel that how special she is for me.
Discussion of gift started long back. But officially , 3 days before her birthday, after hours of time. we finally came to conclusion and decided the gift.
The problem was, keeping gift surprise,.
Boss, it was long distance relationship. Surprise are not easy here. And she recently shifted to new country. All I knew , was only the country name. I tried to ask her , she was asking why . What should I reply to this question. I can't dispose the surprise, obviously not.
Finally her birthday came . I wished her. But she was not mine anymore. But still I was her only and I will be.
I remembered her video, which she sent me before couple of months , in that video she was saying that I am only hers . I took that very seriously but she forgot I think.
Our journey started online back in October , 2018 and we started talking over Instagram then WhatsApp then over calls . On video calls . We fell in love. It just happened . When we fall in love , even we don't know. We just fell in .
Even we don't even know that who proposed first. Then we became important part of each other's life. We used to talk everyday no matter what happens. We used to support each other all the time not only the happiness even sad and bad too. I remember , I used to find everyday new way to make her feel special and I used to try my best to make her smile. I was so stupid.
She became my first name of my every pray. And even she was crazy of me. The way she made feel was just wonder . I found best of me that time.
I remember how many time she told me that not to forget her .
How should I forget her now. She used to share everything with me. The only thing which she didn't share is how to live life without her ..
She was no more for me. She said that she lost feelings for me. It was about 9 months of relationship. Lost of feelings took some hours.
It happens 3 days before her birthday.
My wish of making her feel more special , unfortunately couldn't complete.
My excitements turns into the heart break.
Another time, my heart broke ,
My dream broke . I broke. My time broke. My confidence broke.
Even this story couldn't complete.
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