An Unknown Girl (Chapter 3)

I was regretting for planning visit her next week. Already I was excited. It was 7th of January. Days became difficult to pass. But I had enough patience this time. I didn’t want to hurry up and make things worse. Strictly, I followed the plan. I made myself to wait for 10th of January. I marked dates on calendar.

Finally, it was 10th of January. Last night, I couldn’t sleep due to hyper excitement. Hardly I slept for 2 or 3 hours. She was just hovering in my mind. Already, I got my best hair cut and face clean up. I brought a new blue jeans and a jacket which I was planning from long time to buy.

I took double time than usual for getting ready. Hardly I spent time front of mirror, but this time I spent long time on setting up my hair. I washed my face with facewash cream twice. My mom was surprised to see me the way I was getting ready. But I luckily, she didn’t ask anything. Thanks to God, I didn’t have any reply, in case she had asked.

I reached late to office as I took much time in getting ready. In office, my behavior was different than usual. I smiled and spoked to colleagues whoever crossed my path. My teammates were socked with my newly developed behavior. I lost focus from work due to this excitement. My mind was hovering imagination of my meeting with her, as a result I took more break than usual. I didn’t even complete a single task. I tried passing the remaining time as I already applied leave for half day.

I glanced at my watch, it was 11.00 am. Still 3 more hours to pass. I found it difficult to pass, but I had load of work as I didn’t do anything so far. I supposed to complete it before leaving. Anyhow I managed to complete the pending tasks. I often give lectures to teammates about quality of code. But this day, I myself compromised the quality and did ‘jugad’ to fix some bugs. Though it took more time than usual, because even ‘jugad’ requires focus and I had lost it due to excitement of meeting the unknown girl.

Quickly I finished my work, I tried hard to focus. I didn’t know why all of sudden, my enticement faded. I felt nervous. My over smiles just disappeared. I was just staring at the laptop screen doing nothing. I didn’t even blink my eyes. Physically I was there but mentality I wasn’t there. I didn’t know why I felt guilty for visiting her even thought I hadn’t done anything wrong. Thought of visiting her made me nervous. Like other day, my mind was going through array of negative questions,
“What if she won’t feel good if she sees me all of sudden at her work”, “Is it really good way to meet her?”

I cursed myself for not asking her contact detail. I had nothing to contact her. I wondered; how do I would tell her that why I was visiting her. What if she won’t be there. What if she might have gone to another branch or she could be on leave.

It was 1.40 pm now, most of my colleagues went to canteen to have lunch. I too brought the lunch, but I didn’t feel like having it. I did put my laptop inside my bag and kept the notebook inside the drawer and locked it. I went to washroom only to see myself in the mirror and set up my hair. I took out face-wash cream from my pocket and cleaned my face again.

I stared my watch without even blinking my eyes till it turned to 2 PM. When it turned to 2 pm. I put my bag over my shoulders, and I left office at sharp 2 pm without informing anyone. I didn’t even say bye to anyone. I went just like that.

I thought of not booking cab, but I wasn’t feeling to walk. Shadiq bhai’s thought came in my mind, but I couldn’t convince myself for walk. I booked a cab from outside of office. This time I didn’t book shared cab, as I didn’t want to reach to her late.

Fortunately, I got the cab soon and in no time. I boarded the cab. On the way, my mind was hovering with the how I would initiate conversion and where it will lead to and what would I say if she would ask reason for visiting her work.
I was lost in thought and I heard driver saying
“Sir, Ide na nim destination paa”
It made me to come back to reality. I looked here and there from window. I paid fare and got down from the cab.

I continued looking here and there. Still I didn’t know where exactly that salon was. I opened Google Maps in my phone opened direction to ‘Nyra Salon’. I started following the direction of it, holding phone in one of my hand. It was only 300 meters far. I felt nervous. I was worried about what if she won’t feel comfortable seeing at work all of a sudden.

“Your destination will be in the left, walk straight for 50 meters” Google lady announced.
As I was walking in left, So I didn’t have to cross the road. I felt a bit happy for not crossing road. I had difficulty in crossing busy roads. I had to take my own sweet time to cross busy roads. That’s why, I didn’t learn driving in traffic.
I could effort to buy own vehicle but because this fear, I didn’t buy.

Someone said that everything happens for good. What If I had known driving and had my own vehicle. I wouldn’t have used cab that day and wouldn’t have meet that blonde long unknown girl. I would have been here walking like this.

In no time, I walked for 50 meters. I looked here and there but I couldn’t find ‘Nyra Salon’. Then I looked again moving my eyes slowly. When I looked at bit up. Finally, I saw the big green and white board on the first floor with name ‘Nyra’ written in big letters. I took deep breath. I read everything on that even 16 digits of GSTIN number. I read as if it will be asked in exam for 10 marks. I could see picture of Urvashi Rautela in left side of board. No doubt, she looked damn hot, once upon a time she was my crush. But when I read the last line of board at right side bottom. It was, ‘For women and children only’.

Holy shit man, it wasn’t unisex salon. Already I couldn’t properly convince myself for visiting her and now I am man and visiting woman salon without any woman and children.
I was already worried about visiting all of sudden. If it would have unisex salon, I would have managed anyhow. But unfortunately, it wasn’t.

I thought of taking a break. In no time I found at small tea shop at roadside. I sat on the chair and ordered one tea. I took a deep breath and again lost in thought.
We met twice accidently. I didn’t have anything contact her. Still she was unknown to me and vice versa. Visiting her like this surely can make her uncomfortable. What if she thinks that how desperate I am?

I regretted for my decision. I couldn’t effort myself to called desperate and lose respect for me. I cursed myself for not thinking this way at time of planning and discussing with my best friend Chandan. 
I had my tea and roamed about that area and went back to at usual time. 

To be continued....
New chapter is coming soon.

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