An Unknown Boy (Chapter 2)


An Unknown Boy

Note : Before reading this chapter, consider reading previous chapters.
Series description.

1.Description of An Unknown Boy
2.Prologue Chapter of An Unknown Boy
3. Chapter 1 of An Unknown Boy

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


13th March, 

As soon as I got down from the bus. I walked towards Dancy’s home. Dancy’s home was at near Noor masjid. I looked at Masjid and it bought me back to my childhood memories with Dancy. How we played on these streets, these shops and that how could we forget that Noor uncle’s shop.


 I took a glance of Dancy’s home from Noor masjid. The home was renewed, one more floor added newly painted with a light colour and decorated well with fancy lights and different types of beautiful flowers. It was shining even in daylight. 

 I could hear the hustle-bustle of people inside the home. In no time, I was right in front of Dancy’s home. When I looked at the doorbell, I recalled my childhood again, how I pressed the doorbell, and ran away, how I troubled her parents.


 After more than 5 years, I was back in Payyoli. Still all the memories were saved in my mind. I pressed the doorbell and felt like running away but I didn’t, obviously, I wasn’t kidding any more.

 A girl opened the door. She was Mancy, Dancy’s younger sister.

 I fought with her many times. I couldn’t remember, when did we talk normally with each other. Never, our talks were full of sarcasm and sarcastic and taunting each other.


 But Mancy was a good girl from heart. Silky long hair, sharp nose, square face with greenish eyes exactly like Jenny aunty (her mother). 

 The moment she opened the door and looked at me, she was shocked and probably thinking some sarcastic way to start conversion.

  I didn’t say anything, stood there like statue nor did she.

 “Dancy chechi, look who has come?” She roared loudly. Even people walking on the street heard her clearly. Still she didn’t ask me to get in.

 “Call him inside at least” Jenny Aunty scolded her.

 “Ask him, does he need an invitation card to come in?” Mancy said

 “Oh God, again started with your old stuff. I don’t know when you will grow up. My dear child childhood is over” Jenny Aunty said and laughed.


 Still I stood there, didn’t move an inch, and was enjoying the lovely conversion of a daughter and mother. Stairs case, which was at the left side, clearly visible from outside the door. I looked to the stairs case only to see that Dancy was stepping down. When she looked at me, she started running. In no time, she was next to me. We hugged each other. I could see her moist eyes. We were outside the home. Mancy and Jenny aunty got busy in their work.


 Dancy was looking outstanding in her marron saree, mascara, and eyeliner on her blue eyes multiplied her beauty to its best.

 “So finally, you got time huh?” Dancy said

 “Obviously, how could I miss this occasion, Still I am curious to know, who is that stupid agreed to marry you,” I said and laughed

 “Enough, you’ll see soon, come inside first,” Dancy said and laughed


 We went inside the home and I made myself comfortable on lavish large Sofa. So did Dancy.

 Dancy scolded me for not picking her call. We shared how our life going on. A little later her mom joined us.


 “How you are doing son, I thought you forgot us,” Jenny aunty said


 I felt regret because not being in contact with this beautiful, lovely family, which filled my childhood with joy and awesomeness. Aunty treated me no less than her own child. At least I would have called them once in a month. I felt guilty and so selfish for not giving time to people who really cared for me and treated me well. 

 “With your blessings, I am doing fine,

  How can I forget you, aunty?

  I missed you especially your Pongal” I said with a sad look.


 “It’s been more than 4 years, you are visiting here

 where were you, Thomas, we too missed you” Aunty said

 Meanwhile Dancy was paying full attention to us and glancing at me. She looked happy. 

 I nodded my head in order to agree with aunty.

 “So, you are here for a month?” Aunty added with a bright smile.

 “No Aunty, I wish to spend time here but anyhow I managed to get leave for a week. I couldn’t miss this stupid girls’ wedding” I said indicating my index finger towards Dancy.


 I could see, the face of Dancy when I declared her stupid girl, she blushed. All of us laughed.

 “We understand Thomas, these corporate jobs, this stupid girl too struggled a lot to get leave for a month,” Aunty said

 “Sorry I have some works to do. You guys continue,” Aunty added and continued to prepare for her lovely daughters’ wedding, Dancy too joined her mom.

 I glanced around. Many of the guests were there. Home was full of hustle-bustle of guests. Most faces were unknown to me.

 Dancy was back, offered me water.


 This was the first time; she was treating me like this. I remembered her dialog very well.

 “On the right side, there is a kitchen. There is a refrigerator. Bring one bottle for me too”

 It was a bit hard for me to believe. I wondered how this stupid girl was behaving so politely.

 Later I had lunch with so many unknown guests. I nodded my head whatever they were talking no matter whether I was agreed or not. I focused more on food. I was an active smoker. The last cigarette, I had in Bangalore. Nicotine in my head was demanding another cigarette. But smoking this ambiance could be risky. I was not afraid of anybody, but I respected all these people. Because people were more than family to me. I didn’t want to lose my respect. 

 But it didn’t matter to nicotine, my mind was fully surrendered to nicotine. I was finding out the way to fulfil the demand for nicotine. In no time, I found myself in the corner of the terrace of the home.

 I sat down at one corner of the terrace and carefully took out a cigarette from my pocket and lit it. I was alert and kept glancing at the door of trace which was ajar. I knew how to hide cigarettes; in case somebody arrives. 

 There was a small room on another corner of trace, the door of the room was ajar. I was looking at that room and enjoying my first cigarette of the day. I was worried to get caught but anyhow I managed.


 I heard the sound of some bangles or Payal. It scared me; I hid my cigarette behind my back. My eyes were still on the door of that room.

 The door was opened by now. A young girl wearing dark blue saree came out. My heart skipped a beat, my eyes were wide opened. 

 Blonde long hair, beautiful black eyes, whitish teeth which shone her smile on her round shape face. She wore bangle sized earrings which matched perfectly with her attire, a bit of lipstick on her lips, and kajal on her eyes multiplied her beauty to its best. She looked refection of perfect beauty. Perfect enough to put the moon on shame.


 Every bit of her was familiar to me. That shining smile of her mattered to me. I was frozen. I couldn’t take off my eyes. After ages, I was glancing her face. She looked at me. We continued glancing each for a couple of minutes from a short distance. Neither we moved nor we exchanged any words.


 I didn’t know, when tears started rolling down from my eyes. I wiped my tears and tried to smile but I couldn’t. Eventually, I took my eyes from her. I took out Silver Pearls from my pocket and eat it. Silver Pearls is a mouth fresher. Every smoker would be familiar with this name. 

 I felt very strange and void of pain. I threw my cigarette and ran back downstairs, back to Sofa, and pretend like nothing happened.

To be continued...
"An Unknown Boy Chapter 3 " is coming soon.

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